• ETSC Staff IIT Delhi

  • About The Life of a Student

    Skills Development With Visual Techniques

  • A Great Place For Education

    Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm

  • Your Success. Our Tradition

    Working at the Desk in a Modern Fashion

  • A Great Place For Education

    Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm

  • About The Life of a Education

    Learning is not a spectator sport

  • Believe in the Possibilities

    Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten

Educational Technology Services Centre

In pursuance of the national objectives of maintaining excellence in education and training of engineers, the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi established an Educational Technology Services Centre in 1987.

Major activities of the Centre include providing support for enhancement of teaching- learning process; developing media-based instructional resources; conducting academic and applied research and undertaking consultancy and sponsored research projects.

The Centre has a well established programme for faculty development which is recognized and widely utilized by national and international sponsoring agencies.

Over the years , the Centre has produced a large number of complete video courses , single concept video programmes and CAI packages with the help of the faculty members of the Institute covering a vast range of subjects.